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  1. Use of statistics on crime, victimization and justice for policy-making
  2. Institutional coordination for the production and dissemination of statistics on crime, victimization and justice
  3. Integrated statistical systems of data on crime, victimization and justice
  4. Compilation of statistics on crime and justice of populations at risk
  5. Classifications of crime statistics: national and international experiences
  6. Methodologies for measuring transnational crime: organized crime, cybercrime, human trafficking, migrant smuggling, illicit firearms trafficking, environmental crimes, money laundering, corruption and illicit financial flows
  7. New tools and instruments for measuring crime, violence and justice in low and middle-income areas (population surveys, assessments of social networks, Big Data and others)
  8. Innovation in victimization surveys
  9. Methodologies for measuring crime prevention at national and local levels
  10. Current debates about drugs
  11. Conceptualizing and measuring governance
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